Normative – Elevating visibility within carbon accounting through holistic SEO

Enhanced search engine visibility


Technical optimisation of landing pages resulted in enhanced search engine visibility and an overall 301% increase in pages with good page experience.

Increase in non-branded impressions


Our data driven content strategy targeted high-value topics within carbon accounting and unlocked a 193% increase in non-branded impressions and 188% in non-branded clicks YoY, along with multiple featured snippets and improved rankings.

Incremental increase in clicks


The implementation of author pages led to a 25% incremental increase in clicks, thereby boosting engagement, reinforcing trust, and improving user experience.

  • Precis is hands down the best SEO partner one could hope for. They supported us with technical, content, and analytical expertise throughout our collaboration, ensuring we were well-prepared for future challenges. As a Jack of all trades kind of digital agency, Precis enabled us to make informed decisions and prioritise impactful actions.

    Konstantin Zverev
    Head of Inbound Normative

Success factors

1. Establish technical foundation

To establish a robust technical foundation, we conducted a comprehensive audit, addressing site speed, mobile responsiveness, and structured data. This ensured improved search engine indexing for Normative.

2. Content empowerment

Precis conducted workshops and provided educational materials to enable Normative to handle most SEO initiatives in-house. The aim was to diversify Normaive’s content scope and position Normative as a leading knowledge hub in the field of carbon accounting, CSRD, and net-zero strategies.

3. Implement E-E-A-T strategy

To bolster authority within the carbon accounting industry, we implemented the E-E-A-T strategy, highlighting their industry knowledge. A key element was the creation of author pages to showcase internal expertise, thereby enhancing credibility and fostering trustworthiness.