Kristeligt Dagblad is a Danish newspaper with a focus on societal issues and change, from a religious and philosophical perspective. The newspaper, which is available online and in print, collaborates with Precis for its search advertising and is one of the few Danish newspapers to experience continuous growth.
Their online newspaper is available 24/7 to its many subscribers and has a steady flow of new content and articles published around the clock. This means it sees a high and continuous volume of traffic, with a big portion coming from current subscribers.
Despite the brand keywords triggering thousands of times every day on Google Search, a relatively low percentage of the brand specific queries actually end up converting. The assumption was that many of their already-converted subscribers access the newspaper by searching for the brand and clicking on one of the ads on Google, resulting in a high amount of non-converting clicks. Therefore, Precis started excluding existing subscribers on paid brand keywords to decrease non-converting traffic.
Precis’ Solution
From other subscription-based clients, Precis Digital has successfully created dynamic audiences based on existing-subscribers and excluding these from all branded keywords. Precis integrated an event¹ in the DataLayer² which pushed once a user lands on homepage, that described the visitor either as a current subscriber or non-subscriber based on whether or not they are logged in. This event is picked up as a Google Analytics Custom Dimension, and then published as an audience to their Google Ads account to be used as an excluded audience in all branded keywords.