Hi Carl!
What did you study?
I studied business and administration at Linköping University with a master’s in marketing.
Going from studying business and administration, what made you interested in digital marketing?
I’ve always had an interest in digital marketing which stems from a general interest in data analysis. Personally, during my studies, I was torn between marketing and finance as both offer these pathways within data analysis but in the end, I chose marketing due to how interesting the psychological part of persuasion through ads is and how we can both quantify it and analyse it when working with digital marketing.
How much did you know about digital marketing before you started?
I thought I had quite a good grasp of how digital marketing worked when I applied for this job. However, once I actually started I found out immediately that there’s quite a lot more to it than I thought. A good thing to take into consideration when starting a job here would be that your prior knowledge is not the most important part but rather how good you are at learning new things.
What is your favourite part of Precis?
My favourite part would probably be the freedom and trust of my manager and colleagues to solve problems my own way. Given that no client request is the same we oftentimes get to be very creative when it comes to problem-solving, and being given the responsibility to undertake these challenges how I see it best fit is always a stimulating and fun experience.
Could you describe a client project that you have enjoyed?
As most companies have seen during 2022, many of our clients saw drawbacks in new customers, so one large project that we worked on the past year has been to analyse and present how the search market and their product market are trending. Using this we created several indicators using keyword search volumes which showed how the overall market was trending within these categories compared to previous years as well as comparing it to our market share.
By using this together with broader indicators, such as how the economy and the consumer were doing overall, we managed to gather insights into how we were doing compared to the market and find new ways to market our products when the interest had stagnated in more common product searches.
What tips can you give to students that want to pursue a career in digital marketing?
To be honest, coming from an ex-marketing student, a lot of studies in marketing won’t be directly related to digital marketing. Many of the current courses can be somewhat dated, focusing more on marketing 20-30 years ago rather than today. That said, learning about the basics of marketing and thinking about how to apply it in a data-driven way is always useful. But if I had to say one thing I’d probably say a good grasp of data analysis and especially how to visualise it through excel are abilities that will help when pursuing a career in digital marketing.
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